Assets are all the investment vehicles you can open on Itos. They span from simple token deposits to complex structured products. See the ever-expanding list in Asset Glossary.
Assets are the smallest investment unit on the Itos platform. They're created by producers and can be held in a portfolio or in your wallet as an NFT. When held in a portfolio, they're cross-margined against other assets in that same portfolio. Each asset is categorized as either a credit position or a debt position. Credit positions cannot possibly go into debt and thus have little to no restrictions.
Furthermore, we track the performance of your assets so you can get quick, clear insights into how to refine your investment strategies.
Note that we often use the word asset and position interchangeably. The technical distinction is that assets are created by producers and only become positions when installed on the Position Manager. This is because the Producer assigns it an asset ID on creation, and the PM assigns it a position ID when installed. This gives us flexibility when migrating to new PMs and producers in the future. However for practical purposes, you can treat the two terms identically.
When held in your wallet, all positions are isolated and debt positions have strict liquidation guidelines which are similar to other platforms. When held in a portfolio, we adhere to the PM's Liquidationsguidelines which are more flexible. All positions in a portfolio are considered when cross-margining; therefore it can be used to use multiple portfolios to segregate risk.
Assets can be reassigned between different portfolios or reassigned to another wallet's portfolio if you so choose. Even in liquidations, an asset may be reassigned instead of liquidated if the liquidator so chooses. Reassignments are ultimately much cheaper for everyone as opposed to closing and re-opening a position, especially in volatile market conditions. This may come in handy when sourcing collateral during large market moves.
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